I love looking at alpha male armpits. i also love to sniff and lick them when they are sweaty and ripe. if I can worship your pits in person, please message me to set it up. If an in-person worship session isn't possible, I will buy photos, videos, and live video chats of you showing off your awesome pits. And I will by t-shirts with your pit stink on them (see the shirts page for more information on that).

Here are some real examples of real guys who let me worship their arm pits. 

I also buy pit sweat shirts. See the page regarding t-shirts for more information!

Sell me armpit videos!

Let me worship your pits in person! I will pay a lot for that!

PLEASE let me worship your sweaty armpits. Sell me photos, videos, and sweat stained t-shirts with your pit stink I can sniff. Message me to make a deal.

* The email will not be published on the website.